Greenhead presents this year’s Executive Q&A featuring a slate of executives, headed by Gov. Asa Hutchinson, sharing the moments, tips, guns and gadgets that have made their time afield special.

Number of days you hunt a season?
Not enough.

Where do you hunt?
On the farm in Lee County.

Club name?
I guess you could call it Waldrip Farms. Fancy clubs are fun, but I just like to go where the ducks are.

What kind of gun do you use?
Remington 870 pump.

Duck calling skill level?
This is exactly why I make sure to bring my brother, Nathan, along.

Fields, reservoir or timber?
Flooded rice fields, of course.

Rainy, nasty or bluebird sky?
Bluebird skies make it easiest to see them coming.

Favorite hunting story/memory?
Mallard limits are exciting, but I like to hunt mostly for the fellowship. A lot of that actually occurred after hunts during breakfast at Warrior Hunting Club (in Lee County). I typically gauge the success of a morning by quality time rather than quantity of birds.

What got you into hunting?
I wanted to spend time with my dad, Mark.

If you have children do you take them duck hunting? If so what are some of the highlights from these youth hunts?
I’m still trying to learn to keep plants alive, so no children yet. Although I remember on my very first hunt when I was 6, the ducks weren’t really flying and I was tired of pulling the jerk chord. I was cold and Stanley Reed thought I might like some of his coffee. Dad tried to discourage my consumption, knowing it wouldn’t taste like the hot chocolate I was hoping for, but Uncle Stanley insisted his “French Vanilla” would suffice. I spit it out and never drank coffee until college — again, trying to be like Dad.

What is your most unusual “must have” in the duck blind?
My cell phone. Whether it’s explaining the relationship between rice and ducks or just a simple Arkansas Delta sunrise, the duck blind is the perfect opportunity to tell the story of Arkansas. (Shameless Instagram plug: share your hunts using #ArkansasRice to be featured by @ArkansasRice).

Which Arkansas executive calls ducks the best?
Ben Noble.

See more Executive Q&A