Brant Foster
Owner, Foster and Associates Wealth Management
Number of days you hunt a season? 40
Where do you hunt? White River Bottoms, outside of Des Arc
Club name: Double Drake
What kind of gun do you use? Beretta Extrema II
Favorite duck call? Yentzen
Fields, reservoir or timber? Timber
Rainy, nasty, or bluebird sky? Hard to beat a windy bluebird sky
Favorite duck hunting story/memory? The story that I remember most vividly was in 1998. I had been on a quest for a couple years to harvest a black duck. I was a member of a club on the Big Ditch at the time. We had a small group that morning; so, we asked our wives to join us. The guys were standing in the timber, and the ladies were in a blind. We had a slight pause in the action when my sweet wife, Joanie, asked me to hand her a Diet Coke from my hunting bag. As I take about three steps from the tree and my gun, I get instructions not to move. Wouldn’t you know it, we lit a whole flock of black ducks. Everyone harvested one except me as I was still holding the Diet Coke. There was a lot of cackling over my misfortune.
What got you into hunting? I grew up on a farm in England, Arkansas, so I have hunted since I was a young boy. I was 6 years old when a dear friend of mine, Blake Henderson, asked me to join him and his dad, Pat. Pat put Blake and me in a pit with our trusty .410s on the Willy Farm outside of Wabbaseka. We doubled up on a pair of ducks, and I have been hooked ever since.
What is your most unusual “must have” in the duck blind? Not sure it is unusual, but my “must have” is my dog whistle. Nowadays, I don’t hunt without Marley, my black Lab. She will surpass 5,000 ducks/geese retrieved this year, and it has been a great joy of mine to work with her over the past 10 seasons.
Where is your go-to spot for breakfast/meals on a hunting weekend? There is no need to travel for breakfast when you have Matt Bennett running the kitchen. Whether it is cooking in the blind or the lodge, Matt’s biscuits and gravy are legendary.
If you have children, do you take them duck hunting? If so, what are some of the highlights from these youth hunts? My boys, Jack and Riley, have hunted with me since they were 4 years old. It is a highlight of my year to get to share a good duck hunt with them. Whether it was their first duck, legendary hunts or funny mishaps, I have decades of great memories to reflect back on which always puts a smile on my face.
Which Arkansas executive calls ducks the best? Shawn Fecher is a magician with a duck call.