D.O.A. Guide Service
2106 Fairway, Stuttgart, AR 72160
(870) 830.1316

ABOUT ::  D.O.A Guide Service   D.O.A Guide Service is located at the heart of Bayou Meto, Arkansas, 24 miles south of Stuttgart.  While you’re with us you will experience first class waterfowl hunting with true southern hospitality. We provide hunting in rice, bean, corn, and millet fields, reservoirs, and cypress sloughs, from skid blinds and sunken pits.

Our guides farm and live on the land we hunt. Our hunting area lies between Mill Bayou and Big Bayou Meto, in southern Arkansas County. All hunts are on private property, owned by our family.  A typical hunt generally lasts until we limit out or 10:00a.m.  Lodging is available with D.O.A. as well as The Schoolhouse Lodge.

food & lodging  Yes
unguided hunts  No
goose hunting  Yes
equipment  No
bird processing  Yes
dogs welcome  Yes
women/children welcome  Yes
mixed hunting parties  No
wingshooting  No
skeet shooting  Yes (if booked in advance)