Greenhead presents the 2019 Executive Q&A featuring a slate of executives sharing the moments, tips, guns and gadgets that have made their time in the field special.
Jeff D. Standridge
Chief Catalyst, Conductor
Number of days you hunt a season?
It varies from one year to the next.
Where do you hunt?
What kind of gun do you use?
Benelli Nova
Favorite duck call?
One that someone else is blowing
Fields, reservoir or timber?
I just enjoy getting out, so I’m not picky on where. I have to say, timber hunting is some of the most fun I’ve ever had.
Rainy, nasty or bluebird sky?
I can enjoy a good hunt in just about any weather, especially if the ducks are flying.
Favorite hunting story/memory?
My older daughter actually got me into duck hunting when she was in the ninth grade. Several of her high school guy friends were in a duck club with their dads and their club had an opening. She asked me to join the club so we could go hunting together (I think she meant, so she could hang out with her friends.)
Nevertheless, when a teenage daughter recommends an activity that she and her dad can do together, any dad anywhere would do well to follow her recommendation.
There were some Friday nights that I arrived after a 30-plus hour journey home from a business trip to China or the Middle East. I would ease into the house quietly and find a handwritten note on the kitchen counter reading, “Duck hunting tomorrow? Meet you at 3:30 a.m.” So I would go grab a couple of hours of sleep and happily wake my daughter at 3:30 a.m. for a drive to the duck club. Those are some of my most cherished duck hunting memories.
What got you into hunting?
I grew up deer hunting and running traps around the Caddo River in Glenwood. Being from southwest Arkansas, we didn’t duck hunt. So I didn’t really get into duck hunting until I was an adult and had kids of my own.
What is your most unusual “must have” in the duck blind?
Two pockets full of parched peanuts in the shells and some spicy meat sticks from my earlier deer-season kills.