It’s that time again, when men turn into boys, excited about “Opening Day” and the upcoming season, amassing and assembling their toys, plotting and strategizing, planning and replanning.

Duck season in Arkansas is around the corner. There are memories to be made, stories to be told and good times to be shared — dads with their sons and daughters; husbands with their wives. The sheer joy obtained by a simple day in the woods, on the stick pond or in the field with friends and family is palpable. You can touch it.

There are many different methods and manners of hunting, but one thing is certain: The magic of what duck season brings to this great state, the duck capital of the world, is undeniable.

What follows are the experiences of eight Arkansas business executives as they shared with us their love for duck hunting.


Rick Griffin, Griffin Properties

William Clark, Clark Contractors

Dick Carmical, The Price Companies Inc.

Leon Catlett II, Motel Sleepers Inc.

Jim Kincannon, AHBI Consolidated

Norm DeBriyn, Razorback Foundation

Dennis Adkins of Adkins, McNeill, Smith & Associates Realtors

Kevin Huchingson, Colliers International