Mark and David over at (a website that provides objective reviews of crossbows and related accessories) are giving away two brand new Barnett Jackal crossbows to two lucky hunters.
Anyone can participate by simply heading over to the site and enrolling in the contest using the form in the sidebar, right below the “Crossbow Reviews” section. As a bonus for all of you, Greenhead readers who enroll using the link above will automatically be granted two “tickets,” thereby increasing their chances of winning. Everyone is welcome to participate although please no more than one entry per person.
For those who do not know, the Barnett Jackal is a reliable entry-level crossbow that can be used effectively to hunt pretty much any game in North America. The Jackal should be excellent both for those who’ve never owned a crossbow and would like to give one a go, as well as for those looking for a unique Christmas present to surprise a relative or a close friend.
As of this writing (29 October) there’s still 26 days to go before the two winners are randomly selected and contacted via e-mail with a request for their physical address where the crossbow is to be shipped, so there’s plenty of time to act. Best of luck everyone!